The Future of


Computer & Information Technology Engineering Department


Summer-2016 ~ Summer-2017

  • Model-Based Data Communication
  • Monotonic Architecture
  • Minimum Viable Product (MVP)
  • No Project, No Users
  • Under real-load for near one year

Summer-2017 ~ Winter-2019

  • LoRa Integration
  • LAN Integration
  • Script-Based Data Communication
  • Users, Permissions, etc.
  • Security Features
  • Management Protal
  • ISRC Specific Product
  • Horizontal Scalability
  • It didn't deploy in stable datacenter
  • Nonsense features and complex web-backend
  • Model-Based and Script-Based Data Communication
    • High Performance with Model-Based
    • Find a better way for Script-Based with Logical Performance
  • Microservice Architecture
  • Reduce Web-Backend Functionalities
  • Users have projects, projects have things, things have assets and assets have types
  • Complete Security Features
  • Separate Management Portal with Open-Source Tools

Put Platrom to Work

  • Milestone 1: Up and Running version with student access
  • Milestone 2: Big Data Analysing

Create new Platform

  • Milestone 1: LAN/LoRa Integration + Projects/Things/Assets + Users
  • Milestone 1.5: Deployment
  • Milestone 2: Users management + Permissions
  • Milestone 3: Geo-Location APIs

Defined boundaries in the number of Things and Users

Platform as a Service

  • Prepaid Model
  • You don't pay for your sensors and actuators
  • You don't pay for your projects
  • APIs are here for your applications
  • Only pay for API calls over 1000

Joint IoT Ecosystem

  • Delegates their specific application to us

IoT Application Center

  • Connects developers to end-users
  • Applications are on top of the Platform
  • End-Users can use these applications to gain added-values
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Supported by I1820 Open-Source Organization